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2006-02-01 04:07:53
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SOUL + / -


banner done by [kazeumi].
Thank you kazeumi (support this artist, buy her a scanner!)

ooh... thank you, but i now have one! -kaz

The River Styx

May your soul be washed
down the River Styx,
and find eternal slumber,

In that twilit place
where the dead walk free,
no comfort among their number,

I've been there,
Hell's curs-ed gates,
Where much is known to wander.

In Dante's Wood
that week before,
that day, All Hallow's Eve

You can see that place,
but don't go in,
or you may never leave,

For your soul would be tossed
down the River Styx,
and never again find peace.

-by [Kai Crewger]
-inspired by Revelis, copyright of [polisen]-sama

  In the world of Geist the rift between the mortal plane and the dead plane has been discovered. The forest known as “Dante’s Wood” opens the two planes once a year, for one week. By crossing the woods during this time one will find himself in the opposite plane. By entering through the mortal world you will exit into Purgatory. And vice-versa.
  Once a person dies they are taken to this land. Purgatory is filled with dark forests, marshes and numerous other lands that normal humans dare not enter. When a person dies they will retain their human form, inside the body of a hulking beast. Furry, animalistic and violent these beasts carry with them the very face and marks of death. They know nothing but instinct. After 500 years of living in this dark foreboding land the beast body dies and the human soul comes to it‘s judgment. By dying in the land of the dead, Heaven or Hell can be achieved. And no one knows what is beyond the death of death.
  But all is not lost, for purgatory holds many secrets and is the birthing point of many otherworldly items. The most well know are called the Ghost Triple. No one has yet to acquire them, but their effects are seen. So even the legends can be substantial.

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Soul +/- Old Posts
Soul +/-: The Warped Edition
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Revelis had gone to bed after his pat with Rhea. In fact every did, the atmosphere was heavy. Even if they didn't know what was going on, they felt the cool edges the others were balancing on and were on edge themselves. Revelis laid awake again that night, now finding it difficult to get even remotely comfortable with his human/beast body. I had forgotten...that those Soul Stones also helped me block out the sounds of Purgatory. Revelis heard screams louder that night than he ever had before.

Revelis got up at four and awoke the others. He wanted to get there in the dead of night. He knew that the beasts had good sight, but on the merger of the worlds, the moon was always clouded at night. Also there were more scents in the night, the tide came in, various small animals who had slipped into Purgatory earlier came out. So it would provide even more cover. They loaded up into the van and Revelis set Rhea to the wheel, pointing out the way.  

Kizuna suppressed a yawn, leaning her forehead against the window as she stared at the back of Rhea's head. She knew she should prepare herself for what lay ahead, but how could one prepare herself for such a thing?

Risou sat staring at the soul stone upon his wrist, wishing it weren't so necessary to go back, but knowing he couldn't stay forever.

"Never in a thousand years would I have imagined that we could drive into purgatory." Rhea said as she excelerated sightly. "This is almost exciting."

"We're not driving into Purgatory, just to the front of it. The van would make too much noise." Revelis said to her. He then turned around and picked up one of the shotguns he bought and explained how to use it. "I'm assuming, Rhea you know how to shoot one of these?"

"WHAT?!" Rhea yelled, nearly screaming. "Just because I am the way I am doesnt mean I know how to use a shotgun!" she fumed, amost glad to have something to be angry about. "...I do." she finally said.

"Good." Revlis said curtly. He then went back to talking with the others about what to expect in Purgatory. In a short amount of time they were on the edge of Dante's Wood. They clamored out. "Remember, shoot to kill. It's not death here, it's judgement."

They were just about to step in when a shot rang out. None of their own guns were smoking, so they turned around. Behind them about 30 men stood, with twisted faces and ugly desires. The Evil of the Soul Dagger had caught up with them.

Madderik squeaked and scampered behind everyone, trying to remain out of sight. He covered his eyes, falling back on the if-I-can't-see-you-you-can't-see-me strategy.

"Revelis..." Rhea said through her teeth, "Tell me this was planned...."

Risou kept his head down, staring at the men wearily through his bangs. He flicked his wrist, glanced down to check that there were indeed shells loaded, and another twitch of the wrist snapped the barrel in ready position again.

Revelis looked around at the others. They were somewhat frozen in place, and he himself wasn't sure what to do. He decided that he would wait for fire. Then he could make a move. 

Anacroth, still tired from having been woken up too early, finally was awake enough to get a grasp on what exactly was happening. He looked down at the shotgun in his hand. Then at Revelis. Then at the enemy. Then again at the shotgun. Screw this, he thought. He pumped the gun and prepared to fire.

Naoko took a step backward. When she had joined these people she never imagined that she'd be in something where people would die. This was getting to be too much.

Kizuna looked down at the gun in hand, wondering briefly if she'd be able to fire at someone. Strangely enough, she didn't feel afraid, although her nerves buzzed and her left hand shook slightly.

The man in the lead raised his own gun and fired at the group. The bullet was aimed at Revelis. He threw his body to the right, taking down Madderik and Risou with him. "Stay here." He told the two of them. He got up in a flash, shouted "fire!" To the others and jumped into up into the largest tree near him. He had to fight from above.

Obediantly, Rhea quickly aimed and shot her rifle, starting first with the strongest looking ones of course.

Kizuna lifted her shotgun as well. She hesitantly used her finger to pull the trigger, but it was not enough force to fire the gun. She took a deep breath and swiftly pulled the trigger, the kickback from the weapon causing her to jerk backwards.

Good Revelis thought from the top of the tree. They know what they're doing Revelis' group was more in Purgatory than the aggressers, so they had more cover from the trees. By the time the beast had leapt five trees across the group of attackers was reduced to 25. He jumped down and landed beside one of them.

Revelis grabbed the man's gun. There was a quick struggle and a few of the others turned outward to see what was happenning. revelis had killed the man and had his gun in less than 2 seconds. He fired the gun right into a man's chest, before the others had a chance to shoot. He jumped back into the tree, still firing.

"Ahhh!" Anacroth screamed as he fired at people. "Revelis! Help me fight! I'm too good-looking to die!"

Risou crouched low, aiming and firing with calm precision. Beads of sweat formed along his brow. They must win this firefight.

Rhea went totally nuts. She fired like crazy, and at the strangest (yet vital) places. She watched Revelis do his thing and sneered. "Showoff..."

"Oh God!" Anacroth screamed as he fired franticaly. "We're all gonna die!" Controlled killling, under his discretion, he could deal with. This kind of insanity had him a little on edge.

The group was dwindling now, down to a mere 15. it was about that time, Naoko stood up to fire herself. When she did one of the attackers took aim at her and connected the bullet in her chest.

Another bullet hit her, and then another. By the time the attackers were down Naoko had been shredded by the bullets, not a single one missed.

A wave of relief washed into the group. They were shaky, but alive. They were happy to be so. Revelis climbed down, and was the first to notice Naoko's broken body floating on a pool of blood.

Kizuna dropped her gun, breathing heavily. She looked around at the others, her eyes finally resting on the body of Naoko. She sucked in her breath sharply, never having seen it happen.

Rhea stared at the body. "Eh, she was weak. Let her die." She turned away, ready to get moving.

Madderik whimpered from under the car, where he had hid to avoid conflict. "We're all going to die." he sniffled, "Dead people go to Purgatory...people who have died...not living..." and he rambled on.

Risou turned his face away from the bloody scene, looking instead at their dead adversaries, who's corpses seemed easier to take in.

Revelis grabbed Rhea's arm. "What did you say?" He shouted at her. Rhea bit her lip. Revelis twisted his expression into anger (which looked even worse, with his half beast face). Disgusted, he threw her to the ground. 

Without hesitation he grabbed the Soul Needle and rushed down to Naoko's side, sliding on his kness. He touched her chest and felt a quiet heartbeat. She was still alive. Revelis lifted his arm and shoved an end of the Soul Needle into Naoko's chest. 

"Anyone willing to merge with her?" He yelled at the crowd. None answered him. 

Angry at the group he lifted his own hand I will save the girl, even if i lose myself . He didn't want to be the one to merge, he didn't want the girl to be haunted by his memories. Tears formed in his animalistic eyes as he slammed his hand downward.

His hand stopped abruptly, but not on the jagged sliver he had expected it to. It was soft,smooth and warm. Blinking in confusion through the tears he saw Kizuna's small body under his shoulder. Out of her hand stood the Soul Needle, a tower above her white skin. 

The next second the Needle dissappeared, leaving a hole in Kizuna's hand. A drop of blood formed in it, and in the long moments of anticipation the drop grew until it was flowing, as a river, on the back of her hand.

It was when the first drop of blood hit the ground that a buzzing sound started to whine from Naoko's body. Kizuna's hand began to lift, as did Naoko herself. It was not a matter of standing, but floating to their feet. Their hair rushed outward, as if a wind blew from the center of them. The group backed away in awe. When the body was standing and the two girls looked the most peaceful they started fading away, just like the Needle had. When it looked as if they were lost forever a single girl entered the world, becoming more and more opaque. She was laying on the ground. At last she was full flesh and bone. That's when she stood and said her first words.  

"It is finished." The girl said quietly, brilliant white hair hanging into her face. Seferii felt the dewy air on her flesh for the first time, though the feeling felt familiar to her. She took a deep breath, then two.

"Kizuna." Risou said, his voice breaking. He was kneeling where Kizuna had knealt beside Naoko when they had vanished. He stared up at the new person, finding very little similarity between his sister and this being.

Revelis felt an urge to go forward and touch the girl, she was so beautiful, as only one reborn could be. But he dared not to. This moment was too important, and too tender.

"What the holy fuck?" Rhea could barely speak. What the hell was going on? What happened to that Kizuna girl? Just when she was getting to get used to her too. (Though, she would never let anyone know of her dissapointment at the loss of someone she was beginning to care about)

Risou stood, reaching toward his former sister. This was her, this was what she'd become. "Kizuna.."

Seferii looked around. "Perhaps I should explain," she said quitely, a soft smile on her lips. She took Risou's hand. "Your sister sacrificed her soul to save Naoko. Now we are one, Kizuna and Naoko. But I am no longer either, and both. Their souls have formed a new, seperate one, that resides within me, Seferii."

"That's kind of...scary." Madderik whispered, still under the car.

The white-haired girl nodded, her eyes solemn but kind as she continued to grasp Risou's hand in both of hers. "I'm sure it's terribly unsettling, but here I am," She looked directly into Revelis's eyes. "And I believe you have a job to complete."

Revelis just stared with his mouth open. He marveled at Seferii, just minutes ago she was two different girls. He ran the scenen in his head as many times as he could, the dropping blood, the fading out of reality, even the high-pitched buzzing. Finally he had his bearing enough to speak, "Yes..." He paused. "Yes I do."

Rhea had an uneasy feeling, but disregarded it as well as she could. She stormed up to Revelis, fuming. "WHERE THE HELL IS THAT RELIC?!" She screamed, grabbing him by the the sleeve. "What happened to MY soul needle??" She was nearly red in the face after this vocal exhertion.

Revelis looked at her, not angry at all. He was no longer in his stupor, but he was happy. "It's gone Rhea. Back to the afterlife. And it's going to stay there." 

"It was never yours," Seferii said carefully, knowing from..well, experience, what Rhea could be like. "You housed it and kept it safe, but it should never have found it's way here, to the mortal realms."

Rhea glowered at Seferii. "How DARE you say something like that to me, you... you BITCH you! It was mine, and I payed large sums of money for it as well! I demand a retribution!"

"Retribution? Would the girl Naoko's life be enough to satisfy you, or would you rather more die while you keep the trinket in your pocket?" Seferii asked, knowing she was walking a dangerous line.

Enraged, Rhea lifted her head to the sky and screamed. Her eyes flared back to Serefii and she whipped out her rifle, pumped it and aimed. NO ONE talked to her that way.

"By keeping the soul needle safe," Seferii continued, ignoring the gun aimed at her. "You saved Naoko, and many others. It'd mar your record, killing me for telling you what you already know."

Rhea could do nothing but glare and make enraged gutteral throat noises at the perfect figure that stood before you. "I dont think anyone would mind if you died. YOU KILLED TWO PEOPLE! Selfish..." She tried to justify herself.

Seferii looked to Revelis. "She has got me there, in a way." She said, a bland smile upon her face.

"No one...died. No souls enter Purgatory." Revelis looked at the others. "We need to go, we have to keep moving, especially now that we're tense and ready to fight." He lead them into Dante's Wood.

All the while, Rhea kept a wary eye to Seferii. She had troubles trusting people like her. No, actually, she had trouble trusting anybody. But, since she had a particular distaste for Seferii already, it seemed best to watch her the most carefully.

After crawling out from under the car and following them, Madderik began to watch the shadows. The trees made him skittish, and the abundance of shadows didn't help matters.

Risou walked slowly behind the group, eyes cast downward. Kizuna was gone..but her soul was here inside Seferii. Even in death, he would not see his sister again. Not that he would ever find her in the depths of Purgatory. "She gave her life.." the words echoed on the walls of his mind. His sister was gone, yet he felt only numbness. Is this more of Purgatory's hold on me? he wondered.

Seferii watched the edges of the forest, conscious of Rhea's eyes boring into her. She hoped she to help as much as she could. It was all she could do, to venerate the good souls that together formed her.

Revelis got in front of the group. His shock had passed, but he was still enchanted by Seferii's transformation. "Okay," he shouted behind the group. "We're about in Purgatory. In and out. Just look for Soul Stones." Her knew they couldn't be missed, they gave off light in the dark world and had a distinct orange haze.

Seferii nodded, bracing herself for the danger of purgatory. She glanced behind her to see how everyone was doing.

Rhea reloaded her gun. She was angry, and she wanted to kill something. This way, she'd be the first in line if anything went wrong. She shot Seferii a glare as they made brief eye contact. Holding her head high, she quickend her pace and caught up with Revelis in her usual spot at the front of the group. "What the hell do we look for? Are they in plain sight or what?" she asked him, trying to reclaim dominance over Seferii's obvious pull on Revelis' attention.

"You'll know when you see them. They light up the ground around them. they have an orange glow." Revelis looked at his rings. "like this" He held them out to Rhea.

Rhea took a good look at the rings and nodded. "I'll be the first to find them then."

"Don't be too hasty." Seferii said quietly. "We don't want to be detected."

"Just stay quiet and don't breath to hard." If you see one don't shoot unless it charges. Purgatory is a large plane, we may not see many beasts..." Revelis said, he was lying, just to keep some of the group calm. He looked back at Madderik.

Rhea glared at Seferii, red hot. "I suggest you do the same. You were so quick to swallow the lives of two innocent girls to make your own, how do we know that you're not about to do something else crazy?!"

Seferii sighed. Rhea was determined to be adverse to her. "I'll try to be more thoughtful in the future." she said with a tinge of sarcasm.

Madderik shuffled along, chewing absentmindedly on his fingernails as he glanced quickly about, trying to see in as many directions at once as possible. He noticed Revelis looking at him, though for what reason he was not sure, so he merely returned the look before continuing to peer around.

Revelis was concerned for Madderik, concerned for the whole group for that fact. They wouldn't all be abkle to cope. He was grateful most of them were predictable. Rhea wasn't.

The woods became more thick and the group was fully in Purgatory. Revelis led the way now, moving aboput ten meters in front of the group to secure their safety. He found a building that was decaying. It's whole front was gone, and the left side was falling away. "Here," Revelis said. "Sit here while I make sure it's safe."

Seferii surveyed the delapitated building, taking in the stillness of the woods. It was amazing how innocent Purgatory could seem, in the quietness of this "nature".

"Safe?" Rhea scoffed, "This looks more dangerous than anything I've seen so far." She eyed the building suspiciously. "How do you know it wont just topple down on top of us?!"

Madderik scampered over to the building, trying to find a place where he could be both unseen and safe from any part of the building that may decide to decay further and crush him.

Revelis moved away from the group, about thirty meters away from the building. The dense wood made it impossible to see them anymore, but he knew if someone screamed he could hear. He started moving in an arc, leaving the building as the center point, making a circle about it. It was when he was about a quarter done he saw a beast. It had it's back to him, it's fur shaking violently as it thrashed and tore a foe apart. revelis could smell the blood, could visualize the tendons being pulled apart just from the sounds. Drink

Risou sat on the whispy grass, his weapon across his lap. His skin had started crawling once they had entered. The muscles on his arms twitched, as if to shake the bugs from his fur. It seemed to make no difference that the beast was still locked inside him. He turned his gaze from the supernatural Seferii and instead looked upon Rhea. Still unfeeling.. He thought. A small, irrational voice inside him accused Rhea for the loss of his sister. He knew some of her harsh words not so long ago had been ones he had tried to deny ever since his reuniting with Kizuna. Maybe that was why he despised them so much..

Slowly the feelings started to rise more and more. He wanted to eat, to drink. Soon he was charging the monster, trying to shed everything that made him human. The beast turned ity's head when he heard the competition moving toward it and it leaped in front of the one trying to steal his drink

"Isnt this picture perfect," Rhea steamed, tired of the painful silence. "I'm stuck with these of all people. God knows that my museum has gone to HELL since I've been gone--and held hostage. That Revelis! The nerve of that man! Kidnapping me and abandoning me in a strange place after robbing me?! And for what? I never asked for ANY of this shit! Will somebody PLEASE explain to me how any of this makes any fucking sense?" She stamped her foot into the dirt. "Where is that bastard anyway? 'Making sure it's safe', eh? How do we know that that stupid gorilla isnt out there taking a shit, and then leaving us to scrounge up some corpse to devour?!" Rhea was fuming, waving her rifle around. She was ready to shoot anyone who came against her.

Revelis pulled back a fist and landed a punch on the creatures face. The monster flew back a few feet, but took the offensive once gaining his footing again. It ripped it's claws downward and tore off Revelis's shirt. Revelis lept back and avoided the blow and his craving for the drink grew more. This beast was going to die.

Username (or number or email):


2005-11-14 [Cina]: sad, but necessary. Aye aye, cap'n!

2005-11-14 [kazeumi]: *salutes* will do as ordered, sir!

2005-11-14 [Nebka]: OH THANK GOD THE L33T IS OVER!!!! I can finally understand what you guys are saying!!! (Prounces around the room out of sheer joy)

2005-11-14 [Kai Crewger]: 444\/\/, 7|-|47'5 |\|0 f41|2. 57|_|p1|) (|_45s35...

2005-11-14 [kazeumi]: *pat pat* +|-|3123, 7|-|3123...

2005-11-14 [Kai Crewger]: *5|\|1ff* ... 0|-| \/\/3|_|_. 17'5 50|\/|3+|-|1|\|(- t0 |_00|< f0|2\/\/4|2|) 7o. 4|\||) 1f \/\/3 g37 |30|23|), \/\/3 (4|\| 4|_\/\/4y5 45s451|\|4+3 t3|-| +34(|-|3|2s...

2005-11-14 [Cina]: nah, I'm not going to jail over their pitiful lives..

2005-11-14 [Kai Crewger]: |\/|3|-|. *5|-||2|_|gz* y0|_|'|23 |21g|-|7.

2005-11-15 [Nebka]: \/\/00+!! 1 J|_|5+ G0+ 53(0|\||) P14(3 0|\| 7|-|3 5|-|4|)0\/\/ |\/|1|\|1 G4|\/|3!!

2005-11-15 [Kai Crewger]: 1 53e y0|_| 4|_50 |_34|2|\|3|) +3|-| |_337 5p34|<

2005-11-15 [Thatz]: wouldn't it be "pounces" not "prounces"?

2005-11-15 [Cina]: yes, I taught him l33+ I am his l33+ sensei.

2005-11-15 [Kai Crewger]: *|30\/\/5 +0 73|-| |_33+ 53|\|531*

2005-11-15 [Thatz]: i know nothing of this goodbye

2005-11-15 [Kai Crewger]: uweeh? goodbye?

2005-11-15 [Thatz]: 5 TIMES! HE WAS CALLED PIPSQEEK 5 TIMES!!!!

2005-11-15 [Nebka]: Wha??

2005-11-15 [Thatz]: Fullmetal Alchemist. *nods to self* i am officially obsessed

2005-11-15 [Kai Crewger]: haha! that's so great... and later, Envy stops himself from calling Ed pipsqueak, and calls him alchemist. it's great


2005-11-15 [Nebka]: If you're so into why don't you check out our FMA Rp called Bloodlines

2005-11-15 [Thatz]: because i'm not into fan rps.....they sort of...bug me. don't know why but they do.

2005-11-15 [Nebka]: awwwww, I need more people so my character can join.

2005-11-15 [Thatz]: ???

2005-11-15 [Kai Crewger]: no, you don't. and it's probably because fan RPs are made up by people with only half an idea of the whole picture. but they're still fun ^^

2005-11-15 [Thatz]: .......

2005-11-15 [Cina]: I'd have to agree with Thatz. It irks me in the same way when movie adaptations of books go awry.

2005-11-15 [Thatz]: *sigh* that's true too.

2005-11-15 [Kai Crewger]: yeah. but, the movies based off books annoy me so much more. like how they completely screwed with the plot in the third Harry Potter. at least the fan RPs try to do everything right, if they're good RPs

2005-11-15 [Kai Crewger]: you know what I mean

2005-11-15 [Cina]: I think my problem with fan RP's is that they never seem to do a good plot justice, no matter how good they think they are..

2005-11-15 [Kai Crewger]: like what?

2005-11-15 [kazeumi]: man you guys like to talk... can we keep the chatting to a minimum please? and what's with all this off-topic stuff? if you want to chat, there's other message boards out there. use them. -_-...*grumpy*

2005-11-15 [Cina]: Sorry, ms. A-chan. *bows at your feet*

2005-11-15 [kazeumi]: naah.  just.... quiet down a little. you'll wake the dead.

2005-11-15 [Cina]: now now, we're not in purgatory yet. but I must appease the A-chan god..*appeases you with ticklish fruit*

2005-11-15 [kazeumi]: all your tickle sins shall be forgiven.... *holy light and invisible choir* "waaaaaah...."

2005-11-15 [Cina]: "waaaaah.." O great one! *averts eyes*

2005-11-15 [Kai Crewger]: *rofl, then bows to the wonderful kazeumi-sama*

2005-11-15 [polisen]: I agree with good all a-chan, we need to stay on topic with the rp here

2005-11-15 [Nebka]: Does that mean I can't rant about the Shadow game anymore?

2005-11-15 [kazeumi]: yes indeedy.

2005-11-15 [Nebka]: Awwwwwwww... :(

2005-11-15 [kazeumi]: you should start another wiki that's just a whole blog on that game, dude.

2005-11-15 [Nebka]: Actually I was thinking of starting a fic explaning why Shadow dosen't start out with a gun in that game, or a fan base. can't say I'm really all that into blogs.

2005-11-15 [kazeumi]: well, that's what i meant. ^^; i'd check it out. but this isnt really the place

2005-11-15 [Nebka]: this is true, but if you want to check out any of my fanfics just go to (shameless plug #15) I'm under Caboose2814.

2005-11-15 [Kai Crewger]: *whacks the advertiser with the Smiting Stick she borrowed from Molly* ad-ver-tis-ment!

2005-11-16 [Nebka]: *Graps smiting Stick* HENCE THE SHAMELESS PLUG!!!!

2005-11-16 [Cina]: *thwacks you both* hence the "let's keep conversation on topic" warning!

2005-11-16 [Nebka]: O.k... so um.... how bout that pourgatory?

2005-11-16 [Kai Crewger]: the Ga has the wrestling, and classes and stuff, so he says y'alls have to wait

2005-11-16 [Cina]: Well, Nebka will be waiting for a while..^^;;;

2005-11-16 [Kai Crewger]: ^^

2005-11-16 [kazeumi]: .......

2005-11-16 [Kai Crewger]: hola, kazeumi-san!

2005-11-16 [kazeumi]: ah, bonjour...Kai Crewger...uh...san too... i guess ^^;

2005-11-16 [Kai Crewger]: ^^ bleheh. *spins in circles* ... what happens next?

2005-11-16 [kazeumi]: you mean in soul? well, obviously purgatory.... we must wait for our commander to return for that... but that doesnt mean that other characters could continue in conversation... we have the rest of the "day" after all.

2005-11-16 [Kai Crewger]: this is true...

2005-11-16 [Nebka]: meh... If I was on this would be the point where I rant, thank GOD Beryl's dead then huh? lol.

2005-11-16 [Kai Crewger]: yes.

2005-11-16 [kazeumi]: lol... i suppose

2005-11-16 [Cina]: yes, that would be appropriate..well, if you were us..I*is comfused*

2005-11-17 [polisen]: and the rants go on and on, sorry purgatory has to be put on hold, but think of it this way, I'll have it better planned out

2005-11-17 [kazeumi]: that's true... if you ever get around to thinking about it...

2005-11-17 [polisen]: what else would i be thinking about (closes "Sex Kitten 7" window and slides his Japanese Manga and dictionary under desk)

2005-11-17 [Nebka]: ...Why do you need a dictionary for that? all you're doing is staring at the pictures.

2005-11-18 [Cina]: I don't think the dictionary is related to the "sex kitten" thing..

2005-11-18 [Kai Crewger]: yeah. would those things even have words in there?

2005-11-18 [Nebka]: yeah I think they would.

2005-11-18 [Kai Crewger]: why did you add a question mark? and plus, he could be talking about a Japanese dictionary

2005-11-18 [Nebka]: what question mark? I see no qestion mark, I think you're going crazy. I know I said assuming it was a Jabanesse to English dictionary.

2005-11-18 [Kai Crewger]: ... you need to stop destroying the English language. right now. ... beer gut *pokes*

2005-11-18 [Nebka]: *Beating Kai back with Smitting stick* You were wrong about the question mark so you're still probably wrong about this. Crazy little girl!

2005-11-18 [Kai Crewger]: *beating Neb with rahabim's smiting machine* I'm never wrong!! It is you who is wrong, infidel!

2005-11-18 [Thatz]: *twitches*

2005-11-18 [Nebka]: *Throwing Smiting machine away and starts to beat here with brother's Book on "How to Smite"* Never wrong my foot!! You're wrong about the question mark and you're wrong about Jing too!!! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!!

2005-11-18 [Kai Crewger]: *grabs "how to smite" and tosses it away, then starts beating him with the meat tenderizer her brother was playing with* 1 4|\/| 4|_\/\/4Y5 |21G|-|+, |\/|0|274|_!!! 17 15 Y0|_|! Y0|_| 4|23 +3|-| 0|\|3 \/\/|-|0 15 \/\/|20|\|G!! 4|\||), 1'|\/| |21G|-|+ 4|30|_|+ JING +00!!!

2005-11-18 [Nebka]: *Goes Super and blows kai up with an engery blast* You know you're wrong about about the question mark and you know you're wrong about Jing aswell because he dosen't really seem to change that much between the first through sixth volume as I have recently reviewed.

2005-11-18 [Kai Crewger]: *catches energy blast and sends it back* yes he does! I know he does! You can see it in his eyes!!! (actually, I think you can... o.0)

2005-11-18 [Nebka]: Doges Engergy blast and flies into her face pummling her* No he dosen't!! He dose not change in any physcial way shape or form!! and the only thing that the eyes can contripute to is that he may have matured menatl during or between the adventers!!! *Finishes Kai off by ax kicking her on the top of the skull and sending her into the ground where he then stands triumphetly over her*

2005-11-18 [Kai Crewger]: *jabs up into Neb's sensitive spot (you know the one) with her knee as he stands over her, then gets up and mashes her foot into his face as he's writhing in agony on the ground* I know I'm right, you know I'm right, and there's nothing you can do about it!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAAAAAA!!! *evil insane laughter*

2005-11-18 [Cina]: *blinks*

2005-11-18 [Nebka]: *does a popup and Graps Kai's uber long hair and Swings her around his head for a little bit before smashing her repaditly into the nearest wall* You're wrong!!! You are sooooooo F**king wrong it's not even funny!! *he then Sabs her through the heart with his shiny and pointy golden hair*


2005-11-18 [Cina]: True's not even amusing to read..

2005-11-18 [kazeumi]: i second that.

2005-11-18 [Nebka]: ok, I can't really remember what we where fighting about to begin with.

2005-11-18 [the crazed artist]:'s this kind of stuff that makes people avoid/leave rp's...and you know no one is ever going to win, so just stop...

2005-11-18 [Nebka]: in my defense she started it. lol.

2005-11-18 [Cina]: It doesn't matter. It takes two to tannngo.

2005-11-18 [the crazed artist]: that didn't mean you had to continue it...and you started the fighting in *'s in the comment section...tis not where it belongs...

2005-11-18 [Nebka]: kay.

2005-11-18 [kazeumi]: okay, quiet. Please? i mean it this time, so please dont piss me off. okaaay?

2005-11-18 [Nebka]: okay, I'm sorry.

2005-11-18 [kazeumi]: thanks.

2005-11-18 [Kai Crewger]: sorry, kazeumi-san *bows*

2005-11-18 [kazeumi]: it's okay. just dont do it again, pleaaase...

2005-11-19 [polisen]: and if you do, just remember I go to school with all of you, and I know your weaknesses

2005-11-19 [Kai Crewger]: not all of them you don't!!!

2005-11-19 [polisen]: enough of them to punish, I think the rule should be this, if you aren't playing the game, and youre not commenting on it no writing down here

2005-11-20 [Nebka]: Hey buddy we found a DVD in the Go shelf in our club's room, and can I get ahold of some of you're go books and what not for club later too?

2005-11-21 [kazeumi]: BAKA!! *read the above*

2005-12-07 [polisen]: I have this mapped out, it's time to go to Purgatory and to finish the game (3 more events)

2005-12-07 [Cina]: I'm ready! But not for it to be over..

2005-12-07 [kazeumi]: i second that. mostly.

2005-12-07 [polisen]: well, let's get to it!

2005-12-07 [Thatz]: hmmm....i am slightly lost and my character holds no importance what-so-ever....

2005-12-08 [polisen]: actually I want to use Naoko, alot. so please stay in!!!

2005-12-08 [Thatz]: ok....i'll try to read up but i'm never on when you guys are on.

2005-12-08 [Nebka]: pff... That's never stopped me.

2005-12-08 [Kai Crewger]: obviously...

2005-12-09 [polisen]: it's okay, we'll wait for you enough

2005-12-09 [Thatz]: ok. i'm caught up

2005-12-13 [kazeumi]: boom! gunshots!

2005-12-13 [Thatz]: BAM!

2005-12-13 [rahabim]: Bow Chicka Bow Wow!!

2005-12-13 [kazeumi]: *crazy whistling noise*

2005-12-13 [rahabim]: Gotta go! Sleepy time now!!

2005-12-13 [polisen]: alright Rhea needs to freak a little

2005-12-14 [Thatz]: it was hard to read Naoko dying.

2005-12-14 [kazeumi]: oh, but she's not dead... yet. not really, eh, polisen?

2005-12-14 [Kai Crewger]: yup yup. just wait and see

2005-12-14 [Thatz]: i know but she's dying and it is still hard to read but i have the other Naoko inside my head and she's alive and... i guess at times she's not well...

2005-12-14 [kazeumi]: i know what you mean, thatzie. it's crazy aint it? ^.^

2005-12-14 [Thatz]: yup. i sould try writing a dying scene just for the heck of it, but which character...?

2005-12-14 [polisen]: Well what does everyone think so far?

2005-12-14 [Thatz]: wootness!

2005-12-14 [Cina]: it's pretty darn awesome, Ga-kun

2005-12-14 [polisen]: yay cina!!!

2005-12-14 [the crazed artist]: well done guys...that was awesome!

2005-12-14 [Kai Crewger]: w00t! yay for the awesome writing prowess of the Ga!

2005-12-15 [polisen]: thank you, i've had that planned for about 6 months now

2005-12-15 [Kai Crewger]: ^^ hehe... Revelis and Seferii! sittin' in a tree!

2005-12-15 [polisen]: not even close

2005-12-15 [Kai Crewger]: hmmm... more of a loyal subject/benevolent lord type thing?

2005-12-15 [polisen]: no, he's just stunned, think about it

2005-12-15 [Kai Crewger]: well, yeah, there is that. ... for some reason I can't imagine Revelis being stunned for very long tho...

2005-12-15 [Thatz]: nah. Seferii is just perfect. how do you think you'd react around someone who's perfect? I'd honestly knock them out but i'm just that way.

2005-12-15 [Cina]: more of a, "wow, reborn from two souls!" slash "I am wise and amazing"

2005-12-15 [Kai Crewger]: ^^ lol

2005-12-15 [polisen]: this is alot to take in, i mean, the needle dissappears, the fading and all that good stuff

2005-12-15 [Kai Crewger]: I guess I'm just used to Revelis knowing practically everything about almost anything. He's the Guide. It's different to see him thrown for a loop too

2005-12-15 [kazeumi]: yeah, the needle dissapears and Rhea is pissed...

2005-12-15 [polisen]: yep, sounds good to me

2005-12-15 [polisen]: Rhea needs to talk next

2005-12-15 [polisen]: yay someone other than revelis to talk down to Rhea!

2005-12-15 [Cina]: whoo! ^__^

2005-12-15 [Cina]: I'm sure she'll still be too much to handle, even with two trying to handle her.

2005-12-15 [polisen]: but it'll make her character change a little i think (dynamic chars kick ass)

2005-12-15 [kazeumi]: who? what?

2005-12-15 [Nebka]: "No souls enter Purgatory" please expalin. I'm confused.

2005-12-15 [Thatz]: Naoko and Kizuna's souls got combined opposed to when a person dies their soul is supposed to enter purgatory.

2005-12-15 [Nebka]: So shouldn't it be "No souls enter Purgatory when the needle is used." or something to that effect.

2005-12-15 [Thatz]: no. he was simply stating that nobody died despite Rhea's accusation. It makes sense if you've been reading from the beginning.

2005-12-15 [Nebka]: it just seemed to genrealize it so that it simply ment that no souls enter at all.

2005-12-15 [Kai Crewger]: no, he was saying that no souls would enter Purgatory right then and there. at least not the souls of anyone in their group.

2005-12-15 [Nebka]: *Turning on Kai* No one asked you!!

2005-12-16 [Kai Crewger]: *spinning around* whee! you just seemed so misinformed, I had to help you out. oh, and you have some very ghastly spelling errors. Explain, generalize, meant...

2005-12-16 [Cina]: he was just saying that neither Kizunas or Naoko's souls were lost, therefore no one died. That's it. End of arguement.

2005-12-16 [Kai Crewger]: see? there, ha!

2005-12-16 [Cina]: hey, that's not ending the arguement -_-;;

2005-12-16 [polisen]: Cina and Thatz were right okay? he was putting down Rhea's accusation

2005-12-16 [Kai Crewger]: ... huh?

2005-12-16 [Thatz]: Bwah ha ha! all fear my knowing-ness!

2005-12-17 [Nebka]: lol.

2005-12-19 [Kai Crewger]: .......................... |-||_||-|?

2005-12-19 [Cina]: d-r-o-p  i-t.

2005-12-21 [Kai Crewger]: ^^ oh Rhea...

2005-12-21 [kazeumi]: yeah, that gal's one... interesting... lady....

2005-12-21 [Thatz]: interesting is one way to put it.

2005-12-21 [kazeumi]: ^^;

2006-01-06 [polisen]: waiting for someone to post....

2006-01-07 [kazeumi]: ah, i love madderik! i want to see a picture of him...

2006-01-08 [the crazed artist]: actually, I've been meaning to draw him...and have been wanting to quite a bit lately, as he has recently managed to make himself a main character of another one of the stories on my he should be drawn sometime relatively soon i believe, and then I'll link the pic here or something of the sort....

2006-01-08 [Cina]: w00+! he's so cool..I lurve him..I lurve Hexx too..

2006-01-09 [kazeumi]: yeah, both really classy characters... *pops up wearing shades*

2006-01-09 [kazeumi]: no, not lamp shades

2006-01-09 [the crazed artist]: well I'm glad you enjoy my characters so much!

2006-01-18 [Kai Crewger]: I was instructed to find the best of the best RPers for an RP I'm in, Dark Tower RP. Far as I know, it's based off a King book. Please go look into it!

2006-01-18 [Nebka]: King as in the man who wrote IT King?

2006-01-18 [Cina]: no, King as in Frances Edward King, writer of several other, more popular books.

2006-01-18 [Nebka]: ... *Checks out RP* Ha no its not!!! You tried to trick me!!!

2006-01-18 [Cina]: Gasp! Sarcasm! What's this new and comical tone that [Cina] is writing in!?

2006-01-18 [Nebka]: hmm... Sarcasm you say... You will pay Sarcasm!! Pay with you'r life.

2006-01-19 [polisen]: are we actually moving maybe?

2006-01-24 [Faulty Limerence]: I thought this RP was over.

2006-01-24 [Kai Crewger]: no. *kunai-s baka-san*

2006-01-24 [Cina]: not for a bit, not yet.

2006-01-24 [kazeumi]: of course not! westling season has taken it's toll on poor polisen.

2006-01-25 [polisen]: afraid so, your dear GM is a sickly, beaten fellow

2006-01-25 [Kai Crewger]: *laughs* no, I'm sorry. *pats poli's head*

2006-01-30 [Cina]: another depressing Risou post..

2006-02-01 [kazeumi]: another bitchy Rhea post..

2006-03-30 [Kai Crewger]: congratulations on the wiki award you guys!

2006-03-30 [Cina]: w00+! It totally deserves it!

2006-03-31 [polisen]: yay!

2006-03-31 [kazeumi]: *waves flags* indeed it does! even though... nothing happening at the moment...

2006-11-01 [kazeumi]: This hasnt moved in almost a year...kinda... TT_TT

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